코빗 - 대한민국 최초, 가상자산 거래소 app for iPhone and iPad
Trade cryptocurrencies, safe and easy.
Founded in 2014, Korbit is the original Korean cryptocurrency exchange. We provide a secure platform for you to buy, sell, and store BTC, ETH, LTC, ZIL and more on both web and mobile.
Korbit Mobile Service Now Available!
- Trading platform created by the most experienced team in Korea
- Assets protected by world-class 24H security systems
- Limit Order: Set prices for buy/sell orders
- Real-Time Ticker: Check prices whenever
- Detailed Charts: Use various types and indicators
- Helpful Data: Track profit and loss calculations
- Deposit/Withdrawal: Rely on Korbits famed services
- Security First: Protected by MFA, cold wallet storage, monitoring
About Korbit - The Everything Exchange
Founded in 2014, Korbit provided the worlds first BTC/KRW market. We strive to create an exchange for all digital assets that are stored on a blockchain - including cryptocurrencies, stocks, derivatives, real estate, and contents. After the 2017 acquisition by NXC, the holding company of Koreas largest gaming company, Nexon, we have been investing in world-class technology, security systems, and customer experience.
Customer Service
Customer enquiries must be dealt with timely and effectively.
Korbit boasts a 90% service level and quickly response time for email enquiries.
Open : 9am-6pm, Monday through Friday (closed on weekends and public holidays)
Phone : +82-1661-9707
Email : info@korbit.co.kr